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  • 9 Acting Tools You Already Possess

    What is your very least cool tool on camera? Talking! Yeah, you guys love to say lines. But please do not sacrifice all of your other more powerful communication tools in lieu of just talking. Camera is about pictures. And stage, also, needs physicality to be entertaining. Plus, the writer did not just write the dialogue, he wrote the whole package. When you read a book, do you just read the dialogue? Of course not! It wouldn’t make sense.
    Don’t invest all of your acting in the lines or they will sound like lines. You’ll end up looking like a frozen talking head. Instead, you should feel like you are having a conversation. In a real conversation, you throw away a lot of what you say, maybe even mumbling it under your breath. You use many other tools to communicate all around the words.
    So, what are the other tools you could be using?
    1. Your body. To act means to do something, so do something physical instead of just telling me about it. Step into the character’s shoes and imagine you are really the character. Get lost in the world of the character. Touch, smell, taste, hear, and see as the character. Move like the character. Find the character’s mannerisms. It’s all just a great game of

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