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  • 6 Tips for Playing Powerful Closeups

    “All right, Mr. DeMille, I’m ready for my closeup.” That line from “Sunset Boulevard” is iconic. Actors know that the close up is the most important shot. It makes you a star. Plus, once you understand how to play a closeup, you start to understand that you can make the camera work for you. (And, remember, that most auditions are done in closeups, so if you can’t play that shot …well, you’re in big trouble.)
    To understand what makes a good closeup, you need to understand that the closer you get to a camera, the more it is all about what is inside of you. Long shots (full-body shots) are more about physical action, because we don’t see your face very well. Medium shots (waist or hips up) are half physical action, half inner energy. Closeups are all about your thoughts. It is the moment that the action comes screeching to a halt and we go inside of the character that we can see a big change happen. You fall in love. You get inspired. You find out you have been betrayed. It’s when your character evolves or changes emotionally.
    Below are six tips for playing closeups.
    1. Make a great picture. Understanding that camera is about pictures helps. In a closeup, you can even look

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