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  • The Other Side of the Table

    When you walk into an audition room, I know what we must look like: A row of exhausted, distracted faces, sitting on the other side of the table, ready to pass judgment. And this is why I hate auditions. I’m a playwright, and I know how hard every actor’s worked to make it into the room. 
    But the truth of the matter is auditions are a necessary evil; they work! I always find great actors during the process. So here are some thoughts for actors from the other side of the table.
    Always remember: I want to love you. There’s nothing that excites me more than auditioning an actor who makes my words sound better than they have any right to be. So don’t think of me as the enemy. Think of me as a potential collaborator, and we’re just feeling each other out. 
    Be prepared. Read the play. And work on the sides. It seems obvious, but I’m always surprised at the number of actors who just seem intent on winging it. Make a choice. If appropriate, a bold choice. Nothing will glaze over the eyes of a creative team quicker than an actor who has no take on the material.
    Commit to the material. I’ll stop listening to a tentative audition almost immediately.
    Learn to control your nerves,

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    The Other Side of the Table

    When you walk into an audition room, I know what we must look like: A row of exhausted, distracted faces, sitting on the other side of the table, ready to pass judgment. And this is why I hate auditions. I’m a playwright, and I know how hard every actor’s worked to make it into the room. 
    But the truth of the matter is auditions are a necessary evil; they work! I always find great actors during the process. So here are some thoughts for actors from the other side of the table.
    Always remember: I want to love you. There’s nothing that excites me more than auditioning an actor who makes my words sound better than they have any right to be. So don’t think of me as the enemy. Think of me as a potential collaborator, and we’re just feeling each other out. 
    Be prepared. Read the play. And work on the sides. It seems obvious, but I’m always surprised at the number of actors who just seem intent on winging it. Make a choice. If appropriate, a bold choice. Nothing will glaze over the eyes of a creative team quicker than an actor who has no take on the material.
    Commit to the material. I’ll stop listening to a tentative audition almost immediately.
    Learn to control your nerves,

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