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  • Error type: "Forbidden". Error message: "The request cannot be completed because you have exceeded your quota." Domain: "youtube.quota". Reason: "quotaExceeded".

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  • 4 Ways to Bring Your Personal Experiences to Acting

    Are you a student of those around you? As a fan of personality types and understanding human behavior, I make it a habit to read all that I can on the subject with the goal of relating my findings relevant and immediately applicable ways for those in the performing arts. Having taken a Myers-Briggs assessment a year or so ago, I can’t help but be more aware of certain things that may fuel the creative process, especially for actors. Knowing a bit about birth order tends to help, too! That said, the Disney-Pixar film “Inside Out” is a marvelous source of inspiration for actors who wish to create an emotional response in their character ranging from joy, sadness, anger, fear, or disgust.
    Here are four simple ways to enhance your creative process through personal experience.
    1. Understanding personality. To do justice to any character, we need to grasp what makes them tick. We need to know their history, the people and things that matter to them, and why they behave the way they do. If you’re short on ideas, one of the best places to start is to check out the 16 personality types identified by Myers-Briggs. Studying the differences between introverts and extroverts, sensing and intuition, feeling and

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