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  • 8 Backstage Experts Explain: What Is an Actor’s ‘Type’?

    An actor’s “type” is a highly common industry term. Very often, casting breakdowns will even write in the character description for any given project, “Lena Dunham/Ansel Elgort/any-other-distinguished-actor type,” because it’ll help narrow the pool of prospective actors. This week at Backstage, we’re focusing all our attention on how actors, particularly when they’re just starting out, can determine what their very own type is. But before delving deep, we should clarify what a type even is. Here, eight Backstage Experts break down what you need to know to get a grasp on the concept of typing.
    It’s how those close to you define you.“Put out a post on Facebook or ask people who know you to list the qualities they would use to describe you if they had to build an online dating profile for you or describe you to someone else. Have them answer in the third person. See what they say. And listen. It might sound something like this: “She’s really genuine, whip smart, caring, loyal, very observant, sweet, non-judgmental, someone you’d want to go to when you’re down, humble, and just really pretty.” Or “He’s a riot. He’s a charmer,

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