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  • Why Script Analysis Is So Important + How to Do It

    A clean script is an incomplete object. It might be all the words but it’s only a fragment of the information an actor needs to give a detailed and accomplished performance. That’s where text work—also known as table work or script analysis—comes in. It’s a vital part of an actor’s toolkit and a process anyone can learn. In fact, you already do it unconsciously when reading or watching drama. But to harness it, you need to know the basics. Here’s a quick guide to what text work is to set you on your way.
    Where does it come from?Careful analysis of a playtext, along with most of the vocabulary used in the process, comes from the Stanislavski’s system for actors. However, few people sit around rehearsals quoting him at length. The modern approach employs terms like “beat” and “unit” to slice up a scene, and “action” and “objective” to refer to what motivates a character. It also employs methods and exercises from later practitioners.
    Who leads the process?Depending on who you’re working with the process might be collective, collaborative, one-to-one with the director, or a mixture. When working with a writer, they could be

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