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  • Side Hustle Spotlight: A Video Producer/Editor With the Flexibility to Act Regularly

    Welcome to another week of Side Hustle Spotlight where I interview actors and filmmakers at different levels of their career who have used their other passions to capitalize on a fulfilling side hustle. These folks no longer or have never had to do serving work that drained their energy and made them miserable. This week’s actor has the professional editing skills to not only perfect his own projects but also to fund his life and acting pursuits. He proves that even though building momentum might take a lot of time and energy, it pays off with a steady flow of work.
    Name: Alejandro Cardona
    Side hustle: Video producer and editor for NYU
    Years acting: Six
    Favorite acting credits/opportunities: One of my favorite projects was “Hey Coach,” written by my friend Mike Turzilli. We shot it in an afternoon in Connecticut. It was done with zero resources and I was really proud of the result. We won second place at Channel 101.
    What do you do when an audition or shoot comes up?I’m lucky enough that my schedule is flexible and I usually have enough time to prepare for projects. I’d say the hardest part of being a freelancer is creating space for your own projects since paid work always

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