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  • Don’t End Your Audition on the Last Word

    Many actors believe that when they say or hear the last word in the sides, the audition is over. But this is not a smart way to audition. Rather, actors should always audition in a way that helps the casting director and director believe they’re watching the scene take place during the actual shoot.
    Although you’re not on set, you need to make your read as convincing and realistic as possible.
    When the people in the room love your audition and then you abruptly end the scene on the last word of the sides, it takes people out of the moment of enjoying the read, possibly even making them feel uncomfortable. It’s a bit of a jolt, a similar effect to jumps into an ice-cold lake.
    So instead of ending your audition where the words end on the page, consider the following. 
    A powerful song will allow you to feel specific or multiple emotions. If the song moves you, it will also take you out of reality for a few minutes. It’s a wonderful and powerful feeling and experience. As such, it’s rare to hear a song end abruptly since the artist generally wants to gently ease you through this powerful moment and smoothly bring you back to

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