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  • Take your career to the next level; the most trusted audition resources in the world
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  • Reach thousands of actors, models & performers
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  • List yourself, find industry professionals, skills and equipment
  • One stop Preview, Pre-screen and Review audience for your production
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  • Error type: "Forbidden". Error message: "The request cannot be completed because you have exceeded your quota." Domain: "youtube.quota". Reason: "quotaExceeded".

    Did you added your own Google API key? Look at the help.

    Check in YouTube if the id UC4y6NK7UjIeDMBbCXlPNhsw belongs to a channelid. Check the FAQ of the plugin or send error messages to support.
  • Error type: "Forbidden". Error message: "The request cannot be completed because you have exceeded your quota." Domain: "youtube.quota". Reason: "quotaExceeded".

    Did you added your own Google API key? Look at the help.

    Check in YouTube if the id UC1c32cPA23NvaP0qkhBFDpA belongs to a channelid. Check the FAQ of the plugin or send error messages to support.
  • Don’t Underestimate the Hardships and 4 More Tips

    Need a little inspiration? Our Backstage Experts are full of amazing advice to help move your career forward, and we wouldn’t want you to miss one drop of it. Here are five tips to keep in mind during the week ahead!
    Don’t underestimate the hardships.“The romantic idea of being an actor is far different than the reality, which can often be brutal, not just because the industry can be challenging and sometimes ruthless (after all it is a business, not a charity), but also because the work itself is extremely difficult. Film and TV shoots can take weeks or months, with long, lonely hours away from your family and friends. Some roles and the prep and performance necessary to do it well can take a toll on your body, heart, and mind, and leave lasting effects.” —Shaan Sharma
    Treat the audition like you would the performance.“Some actors are remarkable once they book the job, but repel the audition process. The problem is that your best performances—in fact your entire career—will die on the vine if you don’t get past this conundrum. Keep in mind: You become the effect of that which you resist. If you buck up and embrace it, and master making your auditions seamless with your

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