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  • List yourself, find industry professionals, skills and equipment
  • One stop Preview, Pre-screen and Review audience for your production
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  • The New Online Tool for Last-Minute Audition Rehearsals

    It’s Tuesday afternoon and on the way to your bartending-restaurant-yoga teacher survival job, you check your email: You’ve got an audition tomorrow at 4 p.m. for a big pilot.
    Between now and then you figure you have, at most, a solid five hours to learn your lines before you’re expected to be in Santa Monica for your reading. But your roommate’s out of town, you can’t afford to pay an acting coach this week, your sister’s tired of running lines with you on Skype, and considering you’ve just moved to L.A., your friend pool sits somewhere between small and nonexistent—leaning more toward the latter.
    Before April 2015, there was little to be done here, but thanks to three forward-thinking actors, being unable to find an impromptu scene partner is becoming a thing of the past. Jessica Rose, Darren Darnborough, and Richard Cambridge, founders of WeRehearse.com, have built a network for actors looking for readers, and for actors and coaches alike who want to make a few extra bucks by getting hired as a scene reader.
    “When Jess sent me that [idea] I was actually in my dressing room for a job,” explains Darnborough, who serves as chief strategy officer of the company.

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