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  • WATCH: Do You Know What to Sing for an ‘Ethereal’ Musical Audition?

    Want to know why Broadway creative teams aren’t looking for you to scream high Qs and would rather you show range when auditioning for shows like “Once,” “Spring Awakening,” and “Amelie”? It’s because they are looking for you to be poetic and ethereal, not showcase your best Freddie Mercury impression. Join Rock the Auditions’ audition expert Sheri Sanders as she walks you through a quick recap of all the musical styles you’ll encounter on Broadway, why she calls this final one “Faeries,” and what artists would be incredible for auditions like these! 

    Sheri Sanders is the founder of Rock the Audition and master teacher who is bridging the gap between popular music and musical theater. She’s been to 60 musical theater programs in the last five years and last year, she created Rock The Audition Online, a web universe where teachers and their students, and professional musical theater performers can study with Sheri no matter where they live! For more content on how to rock the audition, follow Sheri on Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, or YouTube. For information on working with Sheri

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